Is Your Conference Room Leaking Sensitive Information?

Corporate meeting rooms are commonly used for discussions that range from the mundane to the highly sensitive.  Remote offices and third parties can be brought into these discussions with audio and video systems and applications that run over IP networks. Yet most...

5 Tips For Increasing Your Business Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the most important aspects of running a business that relies on the internet.  If your main business model focuses on technology, chances are, you’re dealing with cybersecurity issues.  It’s a big problem–viruses and malware...

Is Your IP Phone System Vulnerable to Attack?

With the growing popularity of Voice-over-IP, phone hacking continues to evolve, costing businesses billions of dollars annually in lost productivity and higher phone bills. That’s because Internet technologies, including premises and cloud voice systems, suffer...

New Year: New Security System

    At the start of each new year, people tend to re-evaluate their personal and professional standings and set productive new goals in hopes of spearheading a happier, healthier life. Safety and security play a key role in our everyday well-being, so when...
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