
Interested in business telecommunication? Who’s network do you want to be in?

When it comes time to invest in phone services for your home or business, the majority of the media will have you believe that large carriers like Verizon and Comcast are the only way to go. But the truth is, you have plenty of options for business telecommunications and choosing a small business as your voice carrier instead of larger, well-known carriers can be equally effective with added benefits. How do we know? ACC Telecom offers carrier services, and we commonly get complaints from our customers about larger carriers. So, what are they?


Common Complaints


  • Confusing Auto Attendant: When you have a problem with your carrier, the most effective way to solve it is to explain to a real person on the line what is happening. In some cases, a confusing auto attendant can take up to an hour to redirect you to a real person or leave you hanging up out of frustration.
  • Customer Service: Assuming you are able to get through to a real person, a common complaint is that larger carriers have poorly trained representatives that fail to resolve your issue on the first call.
  • Tech Appointments: When you need tech support, you are required to schedule an appointment. Many large carriers give you a 4-hour window to expect them, and our customers complain that oftentimes these techs do not show up at the scheduled time or at all – in turn, wasting the time you have put aside for them.
  • Lack of Personal Relationships: With larger carriers, you never speak to the same person twice. At ACC Telecom, we build personal relationships with our customers and become an advocate for their business.  
  • Delayed Responses: Some of our customers have complained that they have to wait weeks or months for large organizations to move their service to a new location and/or port numbers.
  • Pricing: Even with bundle options, large organizations can be more expensive. Small businesses have the ability to match or lower prices much easier.
  • Contracts: Large carriers may automatically renew their client’s contracts without the end user always realizing it. Our customers have complained that when canceling their service with larger carriers, they are hit with expensive early termination fees they were unaware of.


Need Carrier Services? Call ACC Telecom Today

ACC Telecom is certain to be the right telecommunications company for businesses everywhere. They have been providing expert service and advice since 1979 and can meet all of your telecommunications needs. They offer a wide range of business phone and video surveillance systems to meet the needs of any organization.  They have been helping build the future of communications for business all across Maryland, DC, Northern VA and nationwide 

Please contact ACC Telecom to request service or a quote for new carrier services.

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