WebRTC allows for face-to-face meetings that improve productivity exponentially
In today’s business world, real-time communications has become quite prevalent. In a global economy, it is important to be able to share meetings face-to-face through real-time web communications. Important information can be shared instantly when meeting with someone in-person, so why not take advantage of this business telecom feature while sitting in your living room, on a plane, or sitting at your desk? The ease and convenience of conducting face-to-face business from virtually any location will greatly improve your business’s productivity. The implementation of this technology is now available in the telecom world, but let’s elaborate on the ways in which webRTC is the future of successful business communications.
What is WebRTC?
WebRTC, or web real-time communications, is a technology enabling face-to-face communication feature via video and audio which also allows for the use of data channeling via peer-to-peer connections. It is an application connected to your browser which can conveniently be accessed in all settings with wifi. Current examples of this convenient technology include Facebook Messenger, WhatsAPP, and Microsoft Edge.
WebRTC can be Easily Integrated and Accessed
Unlike other real time communications platforms that are stand-alone (Skype, hardware based unified communications systems) and require large investments, WebRTC can be simply integrated with in-house web applications. WebRTC will use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and deliver the ability to perform video conferencing without having to download anything. This is a major benefit for older generations and people who aren’t as familiar with how to access and run downloaded files, which can take extensive amounts of time.
WebRTC is beneficial because it eliminates the extra steps (sorting through files, accessing download, running the application) downloaded systems require. Instead, you will literally just click on a button or link in your browser and BOOM – immediate access. WebRTC quickly integrates audio and video from within your app or website, and it is open source so the code itself can be modified to fit your business needs.
WebRTC Improves the Customer Experience
When customers can receive fast support, have questions answered easily, follow-up with you about certain products, or have your business’ services readily available to them from their homes – their experience drastically improves. Additionally, the incorporation of fast video/audio calls enables more sales and large orders by integrating up-selling and cross-selling into the pre-sales process.
WebRTC is Secure
Although it is a service attached to your business’s browser, WebRTC uses military grade encryption to ensure that your virtual meetings remain private. This is extremely secure. Using the same code our military uses to secure vital government information, WebRTC incorporates a whole new level of web security.
WebRTC is Cost-Competitive
Because it is an open-source product that can be freely used with your software, it is much more cost effective. Unlike unified communications systems (VOIP etc.) that require both software and hardware implementation (quite costly), WebRTC can be implemented easily for much lower cost.
WebRTC Allows for Efficient Customer Communication
The use of video/audio communication allows you to quickly finish a sale with a customer because you’re not slowly responding to email after email after email. The types of communication WebRTC offers include text, voice calling, video conferencing, file sharing/transfer, screen sharing, and controlling a channel (ex: controlling a drone – really!). Think of the endless ways you can virtually, and conveniently, connect with your clientele. This provides customers with choice; they have the option to touch base with you through whichever avenue they are most comfortable with.
Comfortable clients who can communicate on their terms are more likely to invest in your services and value your customer service. When having a real-time conversation, questions can be asked and answered quickly, and sales agreements can be made in a 2-minute conversation. In this way, WebRTC outpaces email and other unified communications systems.
Interested in WebRTC Solutions? Call ACC Telecom Today
ACC Telecom is certain to be the right telecommunications company for businesses everywhere. They have been providing expert service and advice since 1979 and can meet all of your telecommunications needs. They offer a wide range of business phone and video surveillance systems to meet the needs of any organization. They have been helping build the future of communications for business all across America with their cloud and VoIP communications and security solutions. Local, on-site installation and support is available throughout Maryland, Washington DC, and Northern VA.
Please contact ACC Telecom to request service or a quote for a new communications system solution.