What Are the Benefits of IP-Based Video Surveillance Systems?

In today’s technology-driven world, just about everything can now be hosted by the cloud. Video surveillance systems are no exception and the benefits of installing IP-based security systems are numerous. In today’s blog, learn why any business can benefit...

Why VoIP Phone Systems Are the Perfect 21st Century Solution

Many business owners are overwhelmed with the communications required to maintain their organization. Between phone calls, texts, faxes, and emails, it is easy for important pieces of information to get lost in translation. Compounding this problem is the rising...

The Benefits of Electronic Access Control Systems

Every business needs to secure itself from unwanted intruders and unauthorized access to restricted spaces. This is where access control comes in: These systems offers a layer of security to prevent unwanted comings and goings. Access control systems can be as simple...

ACC Telecom: The Future of Telecommunications Since 1979

The telecommunications industry is constantly changing. In the past two hundred years, communication methods have evolved from letters and telegraphs to the modern standards of wireless electronic communications – emails, smartphones, and the mobile office....
What is VoIP Fraud and How Can It be Stopped?

What is VoIP Fraud and How Can It be Stopped?

Originally Posted by Lisa King on 7/16/15 11:00 AM One of the core problems facing VoIP technology is VoIP fraud. It’s a costly and potentially debilitating phenomenon that deters some businesses away from adopting VoIP altogether. In order to succeed as a VoIP...

Virtual Faxing

  Faxing of the Future Virtual faxing has revolutionized the faxing industry. With its astronomical costs savings and mobile convenience faxing has never been easier, more flexible, or more reliable- boasting a 99.9% success rate (even on large faxes).  Whether your...

PBX Hacking – Steps to Prevent a Phone System Breach

What is PBX Hacking/Fraud? PBX Hacking and Call Fraud is not a new telecommunications threat but is certainly one to be aware of.  PBX Fraud and Call Hacking usually involves a third party making international calls at the expensive of a business. Hackers gain access...

Breathe New Life into Your Digital Phone System

Gradually Move to VoIP Without ANY Upgrades to Your Digital Phone System Using ACC’s VoIP-to-Analog converter technology, aka SIP Trunk technology, businesses with older phone systems can move their phone lines from analog to IP and experience the wonderful...

Moving Your Office? Read These Telecommunications Moving Tips

Relocating your business is an irritating inconvenience that sometimes you just can’t avoid.   As a telecommunications representative, I can’t tell you how many times customers call in and tell us they are moving in TWO DAYS.  Please don’t do that....

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Phone System in December

5 Reasons Why December is the Best Month to Upgrade Your Business Phone System   Give your business, customers and employees the gift they’ve been hoping for…that one gift that can provide your employees with efficient tools to get the job done...
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