Can Your Small Business Take Advantage of Call Routing?

If you are looking to improve your small business’s ability to provide customer service this year, then you should consider the merits of call routing. We’ve discussed call routing before, but it could always use a second look. This system makes it easier...

5 Advantages of Cloud Phone Systems

Winter weather can cause all sorts of havoc with your business’s phone systems. If you haven’t considered switching to cloud phone systems before, 2018 might be the right time to do so. After all, cloud phone systems can ensure your company is easy to...

Why Should My Small Business Have a Disaster Recovery Plan?

Whether it is due to unpredictable weather, or high-profile hacking incidents, it seems like any business can fall victim to an unexpected disaster at almost any time. However, small business owners do have one primary defense against that catastrophic outcome: a...

Why Small Businesses Should Consider Using Virtual PBX

If you own or run a small business, you’ll hold many duties all at once. One of those responsibilities could be dealing with the office’s telecommunications needs. However, small and medium-sized businesses alike can greatly benefit from investing in the...

What Are Some Tips for Video Conferencing Etiquette?

The conference call is a critical element of collaborating with business partners, vendors, and sometimes, even customers. However, just like a face-to-face meeting or a normal phone call, there is a set of etiquette rules that should be followed. So, it’s vital...
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