Business Messaging Stats

The stats are in! No other communications channel comes close to competing with the engagement levels of business SMS messaging.

SMS / MMS text messaging is rapidly becoming the preferred communications method for business and consumers alike.  The stats are in, and no form of communications can match business SMS’ success in terms of deliverability, open rates, click rates, and response times.

95% of text messages are read within 3 minutes after they are received.

Text messages have a 90-second response time & 36% click-through rate.

Text messages have a 98% open rate compared to 20% with email.

64% of consumers prefer receiving promotions/coupons via text message.

Businesses should get a jump on the competition by implementing a business SMS solution for prospects, clients and vendors to utilize.  Not only is it incredibly convenient, it’s easy to use and implement, and won’t break the bank.  ACC Telecom offers an array of SMS solutions for businesses including P2P (peer to peer) messaging (which in layman’s terms means individual-to-individual, 1:1 texting).  ACC also offers group messaging, queue messaging, and advanced bulk/marketing messaging.  Please contact us for more information.

How to Get Started

The first step to implement a business SMS solution, is registering your company and numbers for 10DLC Compliancy.  10DLC is an industry-wide compliancy initiative that requires businesses to fill out the 10DLC form and go through a vetting process to be approved to send business SMS messages.  This compliancy was borne out of anti-spam laws and it’s purpose is to eliminate spam and fraudulent messaging.  No one wants messaging to turn into the next spam outlet as we we’ve seen with phone calls and emails in the past.

For more information about 10DLC, review our FAQs and best practices.  The 10DLC compliancy form can be found here.


ACC Telecom is a business SMS text messaging provider and offers a variety of messaging solutions from standard P2P to group and queue messaging to advanced messaging platforms for marketing drip campaigns to bulk blast messages.  Contact ACC Telecom for more information.  For over 40 years, ACC Telecom has assisted clients find the best telecommunications solutions for their businesses, and they can help you too!  

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