Miss a call? No problem! With business voice messaging systems, you can access voicemails from your e-mail account or use the voicemail-to-text feature to receive a text transcribing the audio.
We are all familiar with the concept of voicemails, at the very least in our personal lives. There is a good chance you have also encountered some kind of business voice messaging or call forwarding service when trying to contact a large company. Now, it is possible for small businesses to enjoy the same professional voicemail features as larger companies. ACC Telecom is here to tell you more about the benefits of business voice messaging.
Business Voicemail Benefits
Business voice messaging offers features like call forwarding, group mailboxes and customized messaging. You can easily access your business voicemail through your web clients, mobile apps, or your office telephone with an LCD display and softkeys, making it easy to to manage voice, fax and e-mail messages with the touch of a button. You can also access voicemails from your e-mail account with the voicemail-to-email feature. Additionally, the voicemail-to-text feature allows you to receive a text transcribing the audio of the message.
Unified messaging makes it possible to access all of your communications from one screen! Did you receive an important voicemail that you need to have on file for your records? No worries! You can record the calls in your voice mailbox with ease, using start, pause and stop functions. The greatest benefit of business voice messaging? The ability to stay connected with your employees, vendors and clients from any location at any time.
Business Voicemail Applications
When you have a business voice messaging system, you can utilize several voicemail applications like: automated attendant, call routing, telephone answering, voice messaging, AudioText, call screening and message notification. You can also utilize advanced voicemail applications like: unified messaging, smartphone integration, fax applications, text-to-speech, speech recognition and Interactive Voice Response (IVR). For more detailed information about these applications, click here.
Call ACC Telecom Today
ACC Telecom is certain to be the right telecommunications company for businesses everywhere. They have been providing expert service and advice since 1979 and can meet all of your telecommunications needs. They offer a wide range of business phone and video surveillance systems to meet the needs of any organization. They have been helping build the future of communications for business all across America with their cloud and VoIP communications and security solutions. Local, on-site installation and support is available throughout Maryland, Washington DC, and Northern VA.
Please contact ACC Telecom to request service or a quote for a new business phone system.