Telecommunications products and services including IP phones, conference room phone, video conferencing services, cordless SIP phones.

5 Reasons Why December is the Best Month to Upgrade Your Business Phone System


Give your business, customers and employees the gift they’ve been hoping for…that one gift that can provide your employees with efficient tools to get the job done faster, making your customers happier and rendering your business stronger.  So what is this amazing gift you ask?

This amazing gift is no other than a shiny new business phone system.  Before you sigh in disappointment (I know you were hoping for a new car), let’s revisit why a new office phone system is an amazing gift for your business this year.  With the introduction of Virtual phone systems, everyone can have cool unified communication features (think receiving voicemails and faxes straight to your email, mobile apps, chat, video meetings…) for a low cost.  You can read more about unified communications features here.  For now, let’s stick with why December is the best month to upgrade your PBX system.


Here are 5 reasons why December is the best month to upgrade your business phone system.


#1- Leasing Specials.  Some leasing companies will offer deferred payments or 0% financing prior to the new year.


#2- Save Money with Section 179 Tax Deduction.  Instead of “deducting” qualifying equipment or software over time- according to a set depreciation schedule- Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price during the first tax year- that’s a 35% savings in the first tax year!  You can lease or purchase a PBX phone system and still deduct 100% of the full purchase price, but you must hurry- section 179 is set to expire at midnight on December 31st.


#3- Potential Price Increases in the New Year.  A new year brings new prices for most equipment, software, warranties and maintenance.  Don’t risk paying more in the new year.


#4- Special Promotions are Expiring. Telecommunications providers may also have end-of-the-year incentives such as one month free calling or significant discounts off IP phones.


#5- Your Competition is Doing It.  Do not let your competition upstage you with new unified communications features like video conferencing, business SMS, mobile apps, omni-channel contact center software, and so much more.  THESE ARE AFFORDABLE FEATURES available to ANY size or type of business.

There is no excuse to put off upgrading your telecommunications phone system solution this December.  Contact ACC Telecom today for a free consultation and site survey!

Happy Holidays!

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