Voicemail Systems
Customers have come to expect the same cutting-edge technology and quality of service with any type or size business they call. With VoIP phone system technology, small businesses can enjoy the same professional voicemail features as large companies.
Voicemail systems offer basic to sophisticated features, like email notifications, transcription, call forwarding, group mailboxes and customized messaging. Voicemail systems are included with all Voice over IP phone systems at no extra cost.
- Efficient messaging with voicemail to email and voicemail to text transcription capabilities.
- Simple operation through your desk phone, mobile app, softphone web client, or desktop client.
- Manage calls, voicemails, company chat messages, and SMS text messages from one portal.
- Record greetings in your voice mail box with a click of a button. Start, pause, and stop the recording easily.
- Centralize voicemail systems from various locations in one main voicemail system.
- Stay connected with employees, vendors, and clients, anywhere, anytime.
- Automated Attendant- allows users to route their own calls and leave messages without assistance.
- Voicemail to Email- play, forward and delete voicemails directly from your email inbox. Voicemails are sent as wav. or mp3 email attachment.
- Voicemail Transcription- Transcribes the voicemail message into text. Read message via email or mobile clients.
- Call Routing- sends callers to the department or extension of their choice.
- AI Answering- provides callers with options such as, holding, leaving a message, calling another extension, or transferring to an operator.
- Audio Text- helpful for frequently asked questions, callers can play pre-recorded information derived from audio prompts.
- Call Screening- requests caller identification with their name and company name, then announces the caller to the receiving party before transferring to voicemail.
- Message Notification- receive new voicemail message notifications over mediums of your choice (i.e.- voicemail files sent to email or SMS text message, message waiting indicator lights on telephone, visual voicemail with integrated business phone system smartphone application and more).
- Unified Messaging- retrieve and send voice, e-mail, and fax messages from a single screen. Forward fax or voice messages as WAV or TIF files to any e-mail address.
- Smartphone Integration– Phone system mobile apps provide full business phone functionality including visual voicemail, presence, IM, SMS messaging, seamless transfer of business calls, extension dial, video conference calling, and more. Learn about CoreNexa and 3CX business phone system’s mobile apps.
- Fax Applications- store inbound faxes in your mailbox for forwarding, printing, or to display on our computer screen. Combine with unified messaging and receive faxes in your e-mail inbox, add voice comments to a fax, and more.
- Text-to-Speech- enables any telephone to read e-mail messages to you audibly. Text-to-Speech capability gives mobile employees easy access to e-mail when they don’t have Internet access.
- Speech Recognition- processes commands from the caller’s voice rather than keyboard prompts, simplifying communications for road-warriors and mobile callers.
- Voicemail to SMS, and Transcription- voicemails are sent as SMS messages as audio files or transcribed.

Contact us for an estimate on design, installation and/or configuration of a standard or advanced business communications voicemail system for your business.